About the Society

The Serbian Law Society 1835 is a think tank, non-governmental organization, founded to serve Serbia and the global community as a reliable non-partisan partner.

The Society represents a legal and political forum for solving global legal issues through independent research and open dialogue in order to present ideas for improvements that can be implemented in the legal system of Serbia to the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the wider legal and political community.

With legal experts from around the world and a reputation for impartial and constructive thinking, the Serbian Law Society 1835 can bring together prominent individuals from the academic, business and government communities to connect the world of legal ideas and solutions with the world of politics and economics. In addition, as the importance of digitization and technological innovations throughout the world, as well as other economic and political changes, have imposed first-rate legal questions and doubts before the wide domestic and international public, the Society intends to involve students of law faculties in the activities of research and development of legal science.

Membership in the SLS is by invitation only.

Mission and vision

The mission of the Serbian Law Society 1835 consists in studying the liberal and libertarian achievements of domestic legal thought using modern scientific methodology, as well as promoting the results of research in the local, European and world professional public.

The vision of the Serbian Law Society 1835 lies in the construction of Serbia as a republic of free and equal citizens by strengthening the principles of the rule of law, with professional support for the process of transposition of the legal acquis of the European Union into the domestic legal order.

Our mission and vision are:

Reform of the Constitution and law
Preserving the value of the legal profession, achieving excellence in the profession, improving the independence of the legal profession and the rule of law by influencing the legal and regulatory environment in the country and abroad
Provision of programs and courses that promote the professional growth of the legal profession
Promotion of pro bono activities in the public and general social interest
To make justice equally accessible to all citizens
Promotion of research at the national, regional and international level and modern law studies
Promoting various legal and development activities - including holding academic conferences and facilitating international cooperation in the study of law and development
Initiation and development of law projects
Legal research in the public interest and advancement in the rule of law
Forecasting future legal trends through practice and insight into the experiences of other legal systems, with the application of technology
Promotion of quality legal education
Eliminating bias in the legal profession and judicial system
Increasing legal literacy and awareness in Serbia
Developing research projects, training programs and courses in law and law development
Promoting international research in law and development studies, in cooperation with universities and research institutions
Promotion of the Serbian legal tradition in Serbia and abroad
Involvement in creating a successful, dynamic and progressive organization where staff, members, management and boards work together to deliver vision and purpose
Promotion of competence, ethical behaviours and professionalism
Increasing public understanding and respect for the rule of law
Formation of a regional and international network for the development of rights
Accelerating the development and implementation of laws and projects
Influence on the development of legal-academic courses and seminars


Our goal is to form a channel for expressing opinions on legal topics, so that it is easier to see the intersection of ideas and openly discuss new issues:

  • Creation of conditions for a continuous public debate on the modernization of the legal order of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Study of the Constitution as the highest legal act, as well as the principles of constitutionality and legality;
  • Training new, young generations of lawyers for independent work in a new environment;
  • Affirming the rule of law in administrative and judicial practice;
  • Continuous contribution to building the capacity of professional associations that gather members of the legal profession (lawyers, judges, prosecutors, notaries, etc.);
  • Study of legal practice in the application of regulations in the field of human rights protection, as well as ethics in the field of regular work and actions of State authorities;
  • Connecting with similar professional associations from other countries in order to exchange experiences and examples of good practice.


Academics, students, government agencies and non-governmental organizations, as well as all other professionals and organizations interested in the field of law and development, can participate in and benefit from the activities:

  • Critically engages in dominant discourses on law and development at the national and international level
  • Generates knowledge and experience through debates and exchange of ideas arising from research
  • Engagement and contribution to UN initiatives, especially in the implementation of sustainable development goals, rights on the development, etc
  • Cooperation with national and international governmental and non-governmental agencies/institutions on supplementing the work of the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as a ’’guardian of conscience’’ in the development process
  • Establishing and expanding an international network through cooperation with departments (legal, economic and development studies) and research centers, which work at the interface of law and development, with a rights-based approach, form new knowledge, through research and also through courses and trainings in the field of law and development
  • Study of legal practice in the application of regulations in the field of human rights protection, as well as ethics in the field of regular work and actions of State authorities;
  • Connecting with similar professional associations from other countries in order to exchange experiences and examples of good practice.

The founders

Zoran Naumović

Law Office Naumović & partners

Dejan Simić

Law Office
Dejan Simić & collaborator

Željko Ristić

Law Office
Željko Ristić

Danijel Pantić

Eastern Bridge
