
The Serbian Law Society 1835 is a non-profit organization that was founded to serve Serbia and the global community as a reliable non-partisan partner. The Serbian Law Society 1835 promotes public and professional discussion on legal topics in the Republic of Serbia, the Constitution and the judiciary, promotes the Serbian legal tradition in the world, proposes legal solutions for new social relations that arise from the use of new technologies or the development or changes that occur in the modern world, all in with the goal of building Serbia as a Republic of free and equal citizens by strengthening the principles of the rule of law.

Mission and vision

The mission of the Serbian Law Society 1835 consists in studying the liberal and libertarian achievements of domestic legal thought using modern scientific methodology, as well as promoting the results of research in the local, European and world professional public.

The vision of the Serbian Law Society 1835 lies in the construction of Serbia as a republic of free and equal citizens by strengthening the principles of the rule of law, with professional support for the process of transposition of the legal acquis of the European Union into the domestic legal order.

Find out more


Constitutional reform in Serbia
Serbian legal tradition
Strategy of legal principles for blockchain technology
Strategy of legal principles for artificial intelligence
Strategy of Legal Principles for the Internet of Things
Reform of the judiciary and court procedure

Special interests of the Serbian Law Society 1835

5G technology
Artificial intelligence
3D printing
IoT (Internet of things)
Serbian supply chain

Volunteering, career, scholarships

The Serbian Law Society 1835 conducts numerous activities which you can join with pro bono work, thereby contributing to the achievement of the Society's goals and your personal legal training.


Serbian Law Society 1835

Your generous contribution will have a powerful impact on stimulating research and dialogue on critical issues of legal policy and practice in Serbia. The Society appreciates donations that enable us to build overall capacity and meet the activities ahead.

The emblem of Serbian Law Society 1835 - The meaning of symbols

The emblem of the Serbian Law Society 1835 is a shield with the Cross on the red field, and between the arms of the Cross one symbol each: Scale, Sword, Olive Branch, and the Book of the Constitution.